BOLD is nearly here! As it quickly approaches, we are so excited to have media recognition for our event. We will air on Good Morning Texas on September 22nd at 9am, be sure to tune in if you are local. Also, The Dorsey Gang on 96.3 will play our interview on their station the week of the show. And, The Star Telegram is doing a special feature article. What great news....literally!!
You still have until 10am on Friday, September 17th to enter to win FREE TICKETS to see "Birth" on stage.
See details below on how to enter and visit the BOLD website for more details on the event happenings.
Fort Worth, TX - BOLD Fort Worth is presenting a day of focusing on mother-friendly childbirth choices on September 25, 2010. Theatre goers will gather to see the DFW premiere of Birth, a play by Karen Brody, and a Birth Fair will offer new, expectant and future mothers access to professionals and companies who follow the Mother-Friendly Childbirth Initiative.
All proceeds from ticket sales and sponsorships will benefit the Tarrant County Birth Network. The event is part of BOLD (Birth on Labor Day), a global arts-based movement aspiring to create childbirth choices for mothers around the world.
“Childbirth today is a human rights issue for low-risk pregnant mothers,” states author Brody, who spent a year interviewing over 100 low risk women before writing her play. “Choices in childbirth have been severely restricted for this large population of pregnant women despite strong evidence-based research supporting a wide variety of birth choices.”
Brody founded BOLD in 2006 with the intention to use her play to raise awareness and money that promotes childbirth choices that work for mothers. As Brody explains, “Pregnancy today is typically viewed as an illness and emergency. BOLD uses theatre to raise people’s consciousness that childbirth is normal. Once this is recognized people will start demanding a childbirth model of care that is compassionate, evidence-based and puts the mother at the center of her birth experience.”
Producer Shannon Blackwell became interested in the play after the birth of her second child in 2009.
"My two different births and the care I received during my pregnancies from my providers showed me the huge difference in experience a woman can have," she states. "Being educated and knowing your options are significant factors in walking away from a birth feeling empowered. It is a milestone in a woman's life and we should celebrate that."
Blackwell recruited Christi Moore-Murphy, an established theatre director and long time friend, to direct “Birth” after Moore-Murphy delivered her second child via emergency c-section earlier this year.
"We have an amazing group of actors, an unbelievably talented director and a fabulous group of volunteers who are coming together for one day to change the way Fort Worth views birth," Blackwell continues. "And the best part is that our advocacy efforts will continue through the funds we raise for the Birth Network."
Since 2006 nearly 100 BOLD locations have raised over $130,000 for childbirth organizations. Tickets are available online at The play is PG-13 and not recommended for younger children.
The Tarrant County Birth Network is a community organization, with national roots, whose mission is to provide information about, and advocacy for, evidence-based, Mother-Friendly care for expectant Tarrant County families seeking a healthy, informed, and enjoyable pregnancy and birth.