I would like to thank all of my readers and followers. Many of you know of my story of losing a baby to an ectopic pregnancy and trying to conceive once again. If you have not read it and are interested, the link is at the top right of this blog.
This week, I would like to offer a contest in celebration of my new pregnancy! Thanks to all your love, care, prayers, and support, we are finally expecting our first baby in June.
Onesie Wonderland has offered a beautifully and uniquely designed custom onesie to the winner of this celebration giveaway! Karilyn, the creator of Onesie Wonderland, designs these adorable onesies for boys and girls from newborn to 18 months.

- Browse Onesie Wonderland and leave a comment about your favorite design. - 1 entry
- Leave me some advice...I need all the help and support I can get in this first trimester and beyond into this journey of motherhood! - 2 entries
Contest ends on Wednesday, November 4th, 2009.
*Photo copyright Heaven's Eye Photography 2009
I am loving the monogrammed onesie! And my advice for you would be to take monthly belly pictures. I know you already know this, but pregnancy and birth is seriously so miraculous. It is amazing how our bodies change and what are bodies can do. So excited for you!
My favorite onesie is the "Little Birdie" one. My baby, Eden, needs that one because that has been her nickname ever since I was pregnant with her! Too funny! I guess my advice would be to have realistic expectations about how you would like your delivery to go ~ birth is never what we expect it to be! Also, take lots of pictures like Emily said and if you have time for it, keep a journal! That is something I regret not doing with my last.
I like the Little Birdie onesie, or the yellow leaf one! So cute!
My advice for you with this pregnancy is to take some real nice belly shots at around 30 weeks, real posh ones! I can do it if you want!
Also, relax, enjoy, talk to your baby often... be filled with peace and joy! Journal everything!
Do your exercises, eat good and prepare yourself spiritually, physically and emotionally for Labor and Delivery.
And make a birthday cake for your LO on their birthday!!!
I love the little birdie design! I think the best advice is always have crackers around for the 1st trimester. They saved me alot with morning sickness. Sleep as much as you can and journal about what you are feeling as much as you can. It's really neat to look back on later when you forget what it's like being prego.
So sweet! I love the Fall Tree design. Thogh the Little Birdie was quite sweet, too!
I have a few pieces of advice. I echo Christina telling you to have some photos taken - not just the traditional side belly shot. If Christina is offering, I would take her up on it, for sure! Especially if you can capture the sensual, womanly, gorgeous side of pregnancy - it is so awesome to have the pics.
Also, expect the unexpected. Don't beat yourself up if your ideas and attitudes about parenting change and evolve. It isn't a bad thing! Above all else, make sure you are doing things becuase you and Scott want to do them, and not because someone else is telling you it is the way to go. There are too many things you can obsess over and beat yourself up over. Give yourselves a break and go with your gut(s). :)
Yay Hannah!!! So thrilled for you and your Scott.
Congratulations!!! I love the tie onesie! My best advice is prayer! Don't let fear of any kind try to rob you of the joy of pregnancy and childbirth! I know you know this too, but breastfeeding is the BEST decision I made...great for baby, great for mom, just great!
Anything with ruffles is sweet.
Tip: I kept a small bottle of peppermint essential oil nearby. An occasional whiff helped with nausea.
The painted elephant onesie is my fav!
glitzyevents at gmail dot com
My advice to you would be to try and work out throughout your pregnancy. Labor is hard work literally!!! The better shape you are in the easier time you will have during your delivery. The pushing is a work-out in its own!
good luck to you!!
glitzyevents at gmail dot com
I like the painted elephant.
Love the onesie with the tie :)
I am not a mother yet, but my advice would be to just relax! Enjoy the journey! There's a superstition that ur baby will look like the person you look at the most during your pregnancy. So... look at urself in the mirror a lot if you want the baby to look like you :)
love the little birdie onesie! but also on her home page she has a ruffle butt onesie that looks so cute..
i have yet to be a mother but I believe in taking a babymoon before your little one arrives. :)
thanks for the chance!
I adore the bird onesie.
My best advice would be to take naps when your baby does, sure other things may need to be done but they won't get done when you are exhausted!
2 entries
What a cute shop! I love the tie onesie! I would love to see my nephew in that! My sister who I run my Etsy shop with has two little girls, and she always mentions that the first three months are the craziest, but increasingly you get more sleep! From my experience being an aunt, they grow up so fast so take lots of pictures and enjoy every moment.
The owl onesie is super cute!
Remember to pray!
I like the Owl Onesie
My advice is to relax and enjoy each stage of pregnancy as it will go so fast
LOVE: Fall Tree
advice for you: NAP!! ALL YOU CAN!!! because once they're here, it's always a tad difficult
2nd bit o advice: don't listen to people who say who haaaard it is. Yes, it's hella hard, but it's so SO SO worth it, it's unbelievable.
I LOVE the elephant. It's totally cute. anna_h_smith[at]hotmail[dot]com
I love the owl onesie best. How adorable they all are!
My advice would be to relax often, and as silly as it might sound--read to your baby-in-womb. They respond to external stimuli (music, reading, singing).
And throw the idea of being super mom and perfection out the window!
pippirose59 at gmail dot com
My favorite design is the Owl Onesie
Advise: Eat organically and feed your skin organically. Eliminate as many toxins in your life as possible for a healthy, strong pregnancy and baby. Whatever you feed your skin you feed your baby. Studies now show that babies are born with several toxins in their bloodstream. Organic Organic Organic!!! Peace, and much success!
#2 gave advice!
is this open for worldwide? if so, then count me in please..
I love the tie onesie because it's so cute and it will be perfect for my bestfriend's baby.
yuri.kristi at gmail dotcom
I think the hot air balloon onesie is just too cute!!! It captures the idea of wonder/playfulness/big ideas that little kids have. At least that's what I thought of! I'm currently 21 weeks pregnant with a little girl. My advice to you is this...Take everyday as it comes. Stay in tune with your body and your baby, you will know what you need to do more than anyone else. Remember, it's the little flutters and the newness of that first real kick's strength that you can focus on when the leg cramps seem overwhelming. Take time to close your eyes picture your baby, sing, talk, and bond with your little one. When worldly stresses come and the crap hits the fan...keep in mind you are experiencing the most incredible miracle, LIFE. Creating, nurturing, feeling LIFE. Focus on the positive. Most of all, no matter what anyone/anything says you CAN do this, and you will do it well.
Karysa T.
I love the beautiful Fall Tree onesie!
My first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage and I was so paranoid when I got pregnant again. Do try to enjoy the pregnancy without worrying too much. Easier said than done but enjoy every moment bonding while the little one is inside you!
Another piece of advice, everyone says to enjoy sleep now since you won't get any when baby comes. So true! Unless of course your little one sleeps through the night..otherwise nap while baby naps. That's what I do!
I'm probably not eligible for the contest, but I love the owl and the bird onesies! You are so brave to ask people for advice:) I have to echo the person who said to not beat yourself up if your expectations or parenting style change. I started out 100% on board with one set of beliefs, and I've introduced other ideas into the mix since then. Also, don't be a martyr. Let your husband change diapers, get up in the middle of the night, put the baby to bed, etc...even though he won't do it right:) The baby needs to have a connection with both of you and it will make things easier later on. I'm so excited for you!
I love the tie onesie and the owl onesie! All of them are adorable though!
Advice: Remember to do your Kegels:)
Advice #2: Nap as often as you can now b/c you won't be able to as much after the baby arrives!
Oh, and eat lots of protein!
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