Sunday, March 7, 2010

A Dad's View During Pregnancy

What is it like for the husband leading up to the birth of a child? First, there was the day when my wife, Hannah, showed me the pregnancy test and tears of joy came out of my eyes when I saw the plus sign. After that, I began to feel pressure because once the baby is born I will have to provide for my family. Then I began to imagine what Baby Reasoner is going to look like. Will he or she be long legged like me or shorter and more muscular like Hannah. Of course the thought of having a son or daughter who wants follow in my footsteps and play basketball would be special too.

The toughest part of the whole pregnancy was watching Hannah during the first trimester with nausea. I felt so helpless and wish I could have done more. There was also the second and last sonogram we will have this pregnancy. I looked at the sonogram and felt like Baby Reasoner looked like me. Hannah laughed. Now we have begun our Bradley class so I can prepare for June 14th or whenever the baby decides to come. This class is going to help me be a great coach for Hannah during birth. Also, I have been working on the Baby's room but must finish the kitchen first.

Finally, the last thing I always think about is holding Baby Reasoner in my arms for the first time and having that first bonding moment with him or her.

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