Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Book of the Week

Childhood Vaccinations
by Lauren Feder, M.D.

I recently posted that I would write about vaccinations. Since then, I have been reading and researching beyond what I had already done over the past several years. It has been about eleven years since I first learned of the choices that we have concerning being vaccinated and vaccinating our children.

In addition, about a month ago, the daughter of a close friend of mine contracted the measles. Using holistic health care methods and closely monitoring her temperature and symptoms, my friend was able to care for and nurse her child back to health.

I have also had friends whose children have had whooping cough, influenza, chicken pox, and mumps. None of these are deadly if cared for properly. It is interesting to me that many of the illnesses such as these are vaccinated for. It really gets me thinking about why and how this came to be?

It is important for parents to know is that they always have choices no matter the age of the child. Many schools "require" vaccinations before entering school at certain grade levels. You can request a personal, religious, or medical exemption against vaccinations at any age. For more information on the exemptions forms for each state, go to this website.

Because there is so much information out there, I have decided not to post on this. I am encouraging you to read this book that I found at the library. Dr. Lauren Feder writes about childhood vaccinations. She is a medical doctor who has chosen not to vaccinate her own children. I believe that says a lot. She writes from a neutral point of view and states all pros and cons of vaccinating. She has patients who desire to have their children vaccinated and she provides that. But, what I like about her views is that she takes the time to educate and inform her patients.

I will leave you with this. If you are unsure about what to do with your children after gathering all the information and education possible to make an informed decision, ask your pediatrician if he/she vaccinates his/her children. I would question the validity of the vaccination if my own doctor has chosen against it for his/her own children.

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